
My 11-year old daughter once said that the thing she likes about my artworks is that everyone can feel and see different things in it. When I asked some people what they saw they shared this:
”Reminds me of looking into a microscope and seeing a whole other world.”
”Playing marbles on draincovers as a kid. Hot sun on my back!”
What do you feel and see?
Printing technique: Collagraph
Paper: Fabriano Rosaspina white 220 g/m2 acid-free, thereby guaranteeing permanence and resistance to aging
Ink: Charbonnel Black
Size: 50x70 cm, 19.7x27.6 in
Edition: 5
Each print is made by hand and will vary slightly from those pictured, making it unique and one of a kind.
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Handling, packaging and shipping is included in price. For pickup in Stockholm use code PICKUPSTHLM at checkout.